Bird book takes off - Birds of Morwell National Park

The authors of Birds of Morwell National Park with Sean Dooley
Left to right:Jay Duncan, Sean Dooley, Matt Duncan, Ken Harris,
Caitlin Punshon, Anita Pither
Saturday November 16 saw the launch of the book, ‘Birds of Morwell National Park’, at the Yinnar Memorial Hall. The book contains colour photographs of 106 bird species along with information about each one.
After welcome to country by Aunty Christine who spoke of her childhood and the importance of birds, Jay Duncan talked about the origins of the book which was created by members of the park to help people spot and identify birds there. 'If it is in the book it is in the park'.
The guest speaker was Sean Dooley, comedy writer and broadcaster with a long standing interest in and commitment to birds of Australia. He is closely involved with Birdlife Australia and the annual bird count was originated by him.
His talk was both entertaining and informative, ranging from tales of his childhood initiation into 'twitching' to his year long drive around Australia in search of different species - he broke the record for the number seen and wrote a well-received book, 'The Big Twitch', detailing his adventures and the 703 bird species he had observed.
Sean spoke passionately about the importance of protecting remnant vegetation for birds species to thrive - 'birds, like us, need habitat, food and family'. Connectivity between areas of remnant is vital so that wildlife does not get stranded and can flourish.
Sean stated that our nature laws are not giving enough protection to birds and other wildlife but he is thrilled about this book. He believes it will get people more involved who can then help to pressure the Government. He congratulated the Friends of Morwell National Park on their achievement.
The book, priced at $10, has been published by the Friends of Morwell National Park Inc. 2004 and is available at the following local outlets:
- Boolarra Post Office
- Boolarra Store
- Churchill Newsagency
- Gippsland Art Gallery Shop
- Tarra-Bulga National Park Visitor Centre
- Yinnar Hardware
- Yinnar Post Office.
- The authors and editors wish to thank the following for their support:
- Field Naturalists Club of Victoria
- Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal
- Latrobe City Council
- Mirboo North and District Community Foundation
- Friends of Morwell National Park