Mathison Park - December 2024

An excellent working bee was held in November with a good turn up.
Wally went off to do some watering and to continue his fence repairing.
Chris who had obtained a trailer load of pea gravel, with help from Andy, Faye, Jim and Ruth, added material to path edges to make them tripping safe. More needs to be done with the next trailer load.
Steve and Max went off to look after the burn piles which had been started earlier by Reg.
Chris and Faye removed some fallen material on the east side. The rest went to help Max and Steve who were cleaning up an old pile of logs. This material was added to the burn piles. More cleaning up and collecting of fallen material filled the space before a welcome morning tea provided by Faye.
Further cleaning up continued until knock off time came at 12.30. It was a satisfying feeling to know how much had been achieved. We are all proud of the park and its beauty, with great walks to be had.
We are hoping our new bird signs will be erected before the holidays. The photos have been provided by Ken Harris and David Mules and all the birds have been spotted in Mathison Park.
Summer time is a great time to enjoy the park with its picnic facilities, walks and nature to observe.
We all hope you find some time to visit the park, walk the tracks, admire the lake and the plantings and have a picnic with your friends and family.