Mathison Park - November 2024
The Mathison Park working bee was held on a most beautiful sunny day for a change. There was a good turn up which meant we were able to have three working areas.
In memory of our deceased volunteer, Steve Millett, who was a great help, a memorial seat has been installed. The working bee saw the concrete slab area prepared with the help of Bruce and his excavator along with some manual labour. The slab was poured later in the week in readiness for the seat. The seat was assembled, then on the following Thursday, the seat was placed on the slab with the help of the Gippsland Interchange folks.
The second group at the working bee, went off to plant kangaroo trees in an area along the creek which had been prepared.
The third group drove to the Kurnai College end of the park and did a mighty lot of clearing of fallen branches and trees.
Following morning tea the slab group joined the Kurnai end group to do further cleaning up. The size of the burn piles was testament to the amount of work achieved.