CFA - Fire Safe Kids - October 2024
The Fire Safe Kids Team was again busy at the beginning of September with a visit to Yinnar South Primary School. The team this time included a new recruit from the Yinnar South brigade. A warm welcome was given to the three presenters as they arrived. After signing in the lessons started with the Grade 3-6s, followed by the Preps to 2.
Morning tea was specially put on for the team. Then it was back to further fire safety and fire preparedness lessons for the 3-6s and Preps to 2s, before a sausage sizzle lunch was provided for the whole school in honour of the visit.
The team was overwhelmed with the school’s hospitality. After lunch the children were given a chance to explore and find the fire truck’s equipment. Then the fun started as they had a squirt of the hose, listened to the siren and saw the flashing lights.
The team was happy with the visit and will be wanting to revisit in a year or two as the Yinnar South area is a very fire prone area. Fire safety and preparedness is essential knowledge for the children who it is hoped will take home the vital pieces of information verbally, and with the information booklets supplied by CFA and given to each family.