Churchill Shop Local Mothers Day Market 2024

Warm and Welcoming
“Warm and welcoming”, “So friendly”, “Lovely atmosphere”, “Great variety of stalls”;, “Lots of people”, “Good layout for a market”, “What a great day” - these were just some of the many positive comments about our Churchill Shop Local Mothers Day Market.
The weather was not really warm, but there were plenty of sunny breaks and lots of free hot sausages cooked ready for waiting shoppers. Thanks to Churchill Fire Brigade and LV Neighbourhood Watch for cooking so many sausages at either end of the shopping centre central carpark.
A record-breaking number of stall-holders – 36 in total – set up around covered walkways and inside West Place, selling all sorts of wares. They made for interesting browsing and pleasurable shopping!
Children’s entertainer, Fairy Merrin, blew lots of bubbles into the light breeze as children stopped to try and catch them. The smiles and laughter of young children added to the day’s cheer.
Pistons Car Club was there too, with a small number of well-polished cars on display, while the Churchill Men’s Shed in Philip Parade held a garage sale for a couple of hours.
Some 15 garage sales were held around Churchill township on the same day, meaning we had plenty of visitors coming from other towns to look for bargains at our market, in shops and at sales.
Over $300 worth of shopping vouchers to spend in-store at nominated Churchill retailers was given away at the market. Vouchers are handed out to randomly selected local folk shopping in Churchill retail stores as a way of saying “thank-you for shopping locally.”
As at previous markets, we had free items to give away – chocolates are popular (thanks to The Reject Shop Churchill); fruit (donated by Churchill Woolworths) and biros and notepads (always useful!). A special mention too of the management at Churchill Woolworths for supporting the market BBQs.
There is a team of volunteers from the Shop Local partnership that made the market possible – thanks to Churchill Neighbourhood Centre, Churchill & District News and Churchill & District Community Association.
The next market – our Winter Market – will be held on Saturday August 24. Do not miss out!