Yinnar Community Garden Update

by Rosemary Abetz-Rouse

Yinnar Community Garden overhead view

Spring is in the air and members of the Yinnar Community Garden have been busy mowing, weeding, mulching, pruning, and planting spring veggies. Although we are currently unable to hold public events, we have a few projects in the pipeline. We have recently received a grant from Latrobe City Council through the Minor Capital Works program, to build the "YCG Welcome Centre", a sheltered blackboard structure which will be placed at the entrance to the Garden. The Welcome Centre will house informative flyers for visitors to take, a full-colour aerial photo / map of the Garden with accompanying plant species list, latest upcoming event information, covered boxes which will hold some produce for donation, and a secure donations box.

Other upcoming projects include creating a mosaic design on the steps leading up to the gazebo, and holding an event featuring our wood-fired pizza oven when COVID19 restrictions allow. With the lifting of restrictions, working bees have resumed with a maximum of ten. Wearing a mask is required when working in the Garden, and please stay home if you have any symptoms however mild. If you would like to attend a working bee, please contact yinnarcg@gmail.com for the latest information.

You can also visit the Yinnar Community Garden Facebook page at