Hazelwood North State School - History
By Leo Billington
As Hazelwood North State School welcomes its new building and renewed playground areas, an updated school history is being written.
An earlier school history, for the period, 1881 to 1981, was launched to celebrate the school’s centenary day held on July 28, 1981. Time has moved on since then, and, given that civil and construction works are now nearing completion, it is an opportune time to record a picture of those 42 years.

In June 1879, a petition from Mr. John Kirwin and others was sent to the Minister of Education asking that a State School be established near the railway, about four miles east of Morwell. The request was made on behalf of eleven people with thirty children over the age of three.
The petition was accepted, but further appeals had to be made before first the school was erected in March 1881(a portable) and then a teacher appointed four months later in October.
John Kirwin selected land somewhere about 1874 on the Traralgon Road, immediately east of Morwell township. Together with his family – wife Elizabeth, one daughter and three sons – he resided here for about 13 years. His major contribution was preparing and submitting a petition.

Two schools subsequently catered for students from the general Hazelwood North area. Bennett’s Creek School opened in October 1879. Then Maryvale East State School opened in 1881. While the former was closed in 1903, the latter was eventually relocated to its present site in Church Road, Hazelwood North. Editorials at the time often confused Bennett’s Creek as being Hazelwood North. This is understandable given the close proximity of both locations.
In 1907, the fifth Head Teacher, Mrs Kate Zillman was appointed, nonetheless, it is recorded she was not as diligent as she could be, combining house chores with school teaching during school hours. She also dismissed the children before home time frequently. Sickness kept her from her post for extended periods. The parents were most unsatisfied and requested her removal several times, citing poor management, and poor children’s attitude.
Thereafter, the teacher who had replaced her during these absences, Mrs. Elizabeth Davey, was appointed. Mrs. Davey was remembered as being a wonderful lady who was very motherly. The end of year concert she organised, was quite memorable.
John J. Jefferson was next appointed Head Teacher in 1909 and stayed for two years.
As reported in the Morwell Advertiser on December 8, 1911;
“North Hazelwood. A Xmas tree and varied entertainment was given at the North Hazelwood Mechanics' Hall on Wednesday evening, in aid of the funds to provide improvements for the State School.
A real live Santa Claus dressed in the usual dress of the character distributed the prizes from the tree and addressed the children in his mysteries. The character gave a realistic effect to the proceedings.
There was a record attendance of people from all parts of the district, and the proceeds ought to help to make some desired improvements to the school.”
Other historical snippets from earlier years included:
On December 23, 1924, Father Christmas arrived to help celebrate the school’s break-up. It was Santa Claus who arrived on Wednesday evening, December 21, 1932 for the Xmas tree celebrations. Santa Claus then returned on Wednesday, December 21, 1949 to “perform his traditional duties in the distribution of toys.”
As 1953 drew to a close, it is recorded that community-wide panic was setting in. Time was running out to have all organisational details sorted before the then Royal Couple visited on March 3, 1954.
In November, decorating was an urgent topic - and formation of a Traralgon Shire Decorations Committee under the leadership of Mr Archibald, on or about November 12, 1953 pushed for faster progress.
In turn, that November meeting included representatives from seemingly everywhere - Yinnar CWA and State School, Boolarra State School, Boolarra RSL, Commercial Road SS, Morwell RSL, Rotary, Herne’s Oak Progress Association, Chambers of Commerce, Guides and Scout groups, Morwell Fire Brigade, Morwell-Maryvale Band, Derham’s Hill Progress Association and State Schools from Hazelwood Estate and Hazelwood North.
Locally, Hazelwood North State School has retained its pivotal position. Its’ significant history nowadays must not be lost before proudly showing off civil and construction works nearing completion.
Compilation of its history has commenced and will hasten during next year.