Lions Family Fun Fishing Day

The forecast on Friday November 24 was not good with showers and thunderstorms predicted for the next day.

However the Lions, undaunted, continued on and opened the registration for fishers at 9.30 am as advertised. Well the sun shone and the wind was mild, and a happy number of 88 fishers registered to fish.

Lions Food Stall

Even though the previous day had seen Fisheries restock Lake Hyland not many of them wanted to be caught. One large one was an exception. Still everyone seemed to be enjoying the time out and the chance to be outdoors.

Family groups and grandchildren with grandparents set up small camps and threw in the lines. Many familiar faces were seen as some groups come every year for this day run by the Churchill Lions.

The Lions generously charge only $2 a child or $5 a family. This entitles them to a free sausage and a drink. The Lions Club members were out in force cooking up their usual delicious snags in bread with onions and sauce. There were also a good selection of prizes contributed by the Lions.

With the threatening dark storm clouds and rumbles of thunder, a halt to the day was called about 1pm. With the paperwork sorted the prize giving could commence.


Alex Morsink5-8 Year Old
Lacey Martin9-13 Year Old
Sienna Martin14-17 Year Old
Charlie RadovichLargest fish
Corey RayMystery Weight
Levi FoleyMystery Door Prize

The Lions Club extends thanks to Bill Rowley who played and sang nonstop music and provided the public address system. Thanks Bill you did a fantastic job

Also to be thanked were Community First Aid who thank goodness had little to do in that realm, Latrobe City Council for the Community Grant, signage and bollards and Fisheries for being there to give out information and practical help.

The public who stayed for the prize giving showed their appreciation with a round of applause for the Churchill Lions who do such an amazing job running this annual event in Mathison Park

Fishing Dec 2023