Mathison Park April 2023

More volunteers

Prior to departing on an extended trip, two of our volunteers cleared up a lot of tree branches and other rubbish along the Kurnai end of the park. This has allowed the council mowing man access to cut that long grass. It looks so much more like our beautiful park. There is another area which needs attention and this will be done soon.

The working bee was a great success despite several of our usual volunteers being unable to attend.

Blackberries are a regular problem in the park, so one volunteer scoured part of the area and grubbed them out.

Loading dead branches on a trailer

A board on a fishing platform was replaced.

Fallen branches, bark and twigs were picked up and put ready to burn when fire restrictions are lifted.

More mulching was done. Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers.

Preparation work is being slowly done in our deciduous area, clearing out dead and dying trees in preparation for planting new varieties. This area is one of the longest plantings in the park and is in need of rejuvenation. Thank you to another volunteer and his helpers who have started this work.

Volunteers standing in fron of bonfire stack

A huge thank you to the Gippsland Interchange crew who have actioned so much work in the park over the last month. They have helped clear up fallen branches and bark, spread mulch and helped to clear away a fallen tree. Thank you for all you do.