Devastating closure of IGA
It was with great sadness, dismay and disbelief that the Churchill and district residents received the news that Ritchie’s IGA was to close in September.
There has been a great outpouring of grief. This was expressed with tears and messages of support and thanks, which was very much appreciated by the staff.
Grave concern was expressed for the wonderful staff who were out of a job; deep concern because they are our friends and family and we know each other by name; concern because some have been on the staff for many years.
The grief also became raw as we realised that the support the community has received through the Community Benefits scheme and the support for Shop Local and other events would no longer be available.
For many there would be the working out of a new shopping routine now, having always shopped at that store.
The other nearby businesses, and in fact the whole town centre, are also wondering what the flow on effects will mean to them. Our young people who sought a part time job at IGA will no longer have that opportunity.
We wonder will we have another empty shop in our town or will a new tenant be found.
The community says a huge thank you to IGA and the staff for all they have done over the fifteen years of its operation and to some staff who were there when it was Foodworks.
To the staff, we will miss you all, but hope that new doors will open for you and your future can be bright again.