Mathison Park new pathway

Mathison Park 202203 - New Track

The new pathway through what the committee call the top paddock was started one Sunday and completed a week later. It was not long before people discovered the path and used it. It gives you a view of the park from a different perspective, one which we feel you will enjoy. We acknowledge and thank Latrobe City Council for the Community Grant which enabled us to proceed with this path which opens up an area hitherto unaccessible.

Mathison Park - Old House

As you will have noticed the old house has had some structural re-enforcing done to stabilise it into the future. Even with this work it was deemed for safety reasons that it should be fenced and therefore unable to be accessed by the public. The fence is looking attractive. We thank the project teams for the work they have carried out according to instructions.

The working bee was a huge success with twelve turning up. It was great to welcome back Max who had been off ill with pneumonia. With three vehicles and three trailers we were able to cut up and clean up lots of fallen trees and branches and move those from our December working bee, as well as clean up a pile which was in a difficult position. We thank Bruce for bringing his machine which is enabling fallen trees to be retrieved form the waterways.

One other member continued his dismantling of our unneeded wire fences while another with great determination whippersnipped huge areas ready for mulch to be laid.

Mathison Park 202203 Work Crew 2 Mathison Park 202203 Work Crew 1

The Gippsland Interchange crew, along with several dedicated volunteers, have each week been whippersnipping and spreading mulch on some of our east side garden beds. How good it is to have their help.

It was with trepidation that we watched the fire burning over the road from the east side of the park. Thankfully it was extinguished by our local brigades.