Flashback - 1974
What featured in our 1974 Edition
Motor Cycle Club
At last the Churchill Motor Cycle Club has a proper place for its members to ride their machines. In March verbal permission was given by the Housing Commission Victoria and the Morwell Shire Council to the Churchill Motor Cycle Club, allowing its members to ride their machines on that land which is north west of and adjacent to Birch Drive which runs off Switchback Road Churchill.
Made it
We have now made it through one complete year of having a Community Hall “under construction.”
School Elections
I regret any upset to persons in Churchill who objected to the wording of the article in the last edition of the “News.” The elections will be held on the 28th and I have published on page 4 of this edition the regulations by which the school committee conduct the elections.
School of Dancing
Karen Issell is contemplating opening a School of Dancing which includes ballet, modern dancing, tapping and national.
Classes will provide an interest for not only graceful and talented children of all ages but also provides physical fitness and teaches a child poise and posture.
Coffee Shop
After a long period of appealing to parents to show an interest in the Coffee Shop, the young people decided to close last week when they had still not received any offers from fathers willing to spend a night at the centre.
So it’s back to you parents, with a reasonable number of offers your commitment would only be perhaps three Saturday nights a year.
Acting Premier Visits
The famous poem ending with the words “not with a bang, with a whimper” could well be applied to the visit of the Acting Premier of Victoria, to Churchill on June 14. Certainly an opening ceremony for the new Hall was performed but in total isolation from the residents of Churchill. Not only were they not consulted about the arrangements but there was not a single resident among those forming the Official Party. The Shire President welcomed those present on behalf of the “Citizens of Morwell” and displayed concern at the smallness of the crowd. Why should there have been people there when the residents were totally ignored during all the arrangements?
New Health Centre
Recent comment in the Latrobe Valley Express concerning “a small hospital” in Churchill highlights the lack of real understanding of the project for a Health Centre in this town. It is most unfortunate that some Churchill residents claim ignorance of the proposals as full details have been published in this paper. A copy of these details is available for perusal in the Churchill Pharmacy.
The proposed centre will need and deserves the support of the whole of our community.
Unusual Paper Shortage
Please note that while the paper shortage exists it may be necessary to cut down some material. Every effort will be made to include the maximum number of articles.
Student Accommodation
The residents of the student flats in Churchill would like to let the parents of Churchill know that many of their children are becoming nuisances and extremely annoying for a number of reasons.
Churchill Police
Is it to be assumed that the Victorian Police Force places no importance on crime prevention? Having appointed an officer to Churchill and that officer having been active in patrolling the town, the hierarchy apparently decided that no crime was occurring and returned the officer to the Morwell roster.
We now have seen an outbreak of theft again in Churchill which will perhaps place the hierarchy of the force more than the lower rate during preventative activity. I for one see far more purpose served through prevention than the after fruitless investigation of crimes.
Churchill Citizens Association
This association has been very busy with reports presented from the Secondary school, Health Centre, Primary School, a second Kindergarten, shopping centre, student housing and the Housing Commission Tenants Union.
Boolarra Forests
I write on behalf of the Boolarra Preserved Forest Conservation Group, which has been formed by a number of people who wish to preserve the forest in its natural state.
If you saw the Forests Commission maps you would be dismayed at the amount of eucalypt forest in South Gippsland that is to be destroyed in order that pines may be grown for commercial purposes.
District Roads
The lights at the Princes-Midland Highway intersection are now in operation. They are most welcome in the interest of safety at that most dangerous situation. It can only be hoped that the Council does not proceed with the idea of creating a ‘T’ intersection of Commercial Road and Midland Highway now that our safety hazard has been reduced.
Typical – the S.E.C. cuts the old Midland Highway and the Jeeralang road with the roadworks in progress a rally track. If you want to lessen the risk of holing your sump and shredding your tyres I advise an alternate route even if a mile or so longer.
CDNews volunteers wish all readers a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.