Restocking fish into Mathison Park

Mathison Park November 2021

Lake Hyland was stocked with trout at the beginning of October. The Gippsland Interchange crew were there at the time and helped the Fisheries man to load the fish into the lake.

Then they headed down the west side path and cleaned up all the debris on the far fishing platform which was deposited in the last heavy rain event.

A further Thursday saw the crew help to repair the path washed away near the old model boat platform. It is a win win situation having them to help.

Our working bee on the second Saturday of October was held on a lovely sunny warm day. Fourteen people came to help and what a lot was achieved. It was great to welcome Kelly along for the first time and to welcome back Jim who had been stuck in NSW.

More path work was done as the heavy rain had again washed out parts of the west side new path. One group used paving material to fill holes and to top dress wet patches.

Mathison Park 2021-11 work Crew

Two others used an excavator to pull out of the creek some of the trees which had fallen in following the extreme weather event back in June. Amazing work was done.

Another group pruned our oak trees and piled up the branches to burn.

Another person continued his offering of taking the wire off the old fences to open up the top paddock.

We had a small stop for a cuppa and to indulge in some delicious morning tea, then it was back to work. A group of tired but satisfied folks headed home at the end

Math Park 2021-11-3

Days later another tree along the creek fell down but was dealt with by our super volunteers.