Mathison Park

What an outstanding working bee we had with a record fourteen people turning up.

Three of those were volunteers from the Latrobe 4W Drive Club who had rung up earlier in the week to say they would like to come and help with the clear up after the weather event.

They had qualifications with chainsaws and used them effectively. Where uprooted trees were, some lying in the creek, were now just piles of branches and empty spaces.

Math Park 202108-1

The rest of the crew worked flat out in the Koori plantation north of the old house dam along the incline. There two large trees had been uprooted by the storm and the many plantings needed to examined for survival. Lots of tree guards and stakes were removed as well as fallen branches, dead blackberries and other rubbish.

We were so grateful for the extra help from these much younger volunteers. Thanks heaps to Steven, Rob and Bruce. They have decided they like to see the work they can do making such a difference. They will return.

Our Gippsland Interchange crew have been regular visitors who help do many jobs. This last month they have helped install pipes under the path and cleaned up branches left from clearing fallen trees.

They are a great asset to us.