Mathison Park

Exciting news

Mathison Park group with Darren Chester

Local MP Darren Chester has supported Mathison Park Community Asset Committee to receive a $2,500 grant. Mr Chester said the committee was using the grant to purchase an equipment trailer and tools to help the volunteers. “The new trailer will help the volunteers to move equipment around the park during working bees,” Mr Chester said. “Mathison Park is a wonderful community asset for Churchill and I congratulate the committee on the work they have done to keep the park maintained. Mathison Park is popular with walkers and cyclists, with people travelling to experience the lake, walking track and bushland setting, a popular picnic and fishing spot, with a playground and fitness stations. The Mathison Park Advisory Community Asset Committee has more plans for the future to make this space an even better place to visit. Thank you to the wonderful team of volunteers who give up so much of their time to give back to their community.”

We are grateful to Darren who has been very supportive of our park over the years and say a huge thank you to him and the Federal government. You will soon see the trailer being used by our volunteers.

Luckily we were able to hold our July working bee successfully before the rain set in on the second Saturday of July. There were sufficient volunteers to have three work areas. There was a lot of pathway damage caused by the extreme weather event, so one group concentrated on spreading and whacking the areas of need.

The second group worked to clear fallen trees and branches, the result of the extreme weather event.

The third group continued to remove old fencing.

It was great to have everyone come together for morning tea and a chat.

King Parrot in Mathison Park

Those walking on the new path up the west hill will have noticed a flock of King Parrots busy in the trees.

After some months waiting we have another red topped bin installed in Mathison Park next to the large picnic shelter. This is a most useful addition to the facilities and we thank council for arranging it.

We were thrilled to have three people from the Walk Jog Run group who use the park frequently, come along to contribute to our efforts. It was wonderful to welcome Jeff, Verity and Bruce who worked with enthusiasm. They enjoyed the task and we hope they will become regular attendees.

To be a volunteer you need to go on the Latrobe City Council website and fill out the volunteer application form.

Working bees are held each month on the second Saturday and more help is always necessary for such a huge area of 72 hectares.

202108 Mathison Park Work Party
Mathison Park work party at morning tea - NOT the new trailer !