Reg Grisotto at Mathison Park (in the playground beside a sign)

Chat with a Local - Reg Grisotto of The Mathison Park Committee

Mathison Park is a very popular area of Churchill for social and recreational purposes in the town. To find out more of this great town asset Churchill & District News spoke with Committee Member Reg Grisotto for more on the story of the park.

CDNews: Reg, you are a member of the Mathison Park Committee, can you give us a quick rundown on its history and who is the overall responsible authority?

RG: The Housing Commission bought all the land around the area to establish the new town of Hazelwood later renamed Churchill. The park was established in the early days of Churchill when the expansion of the town did not realise its expected growth. The area of the Hare farm was acquired by local government. A committee was set up under Council and has operated since.

The overall responsibility is Council’s but the committee works under its guidelines.

The committee acknowledges the original supporters of the park in the Apex Club. When the club folded the Churchill & District Lions Club took over. The Apex Club contributed by building the first BBQ where the fishing platform is, the shelter near the play equipment and some seating. The Lions Club refurbished the BBQ after it deteriorated by installing new BBQs stainless steel benches. The Churchill Men’s Shed supplied paneling and seating.

CDNews: It seems to be very popular, what do you think is the attraction?

RG: The open space, the quietness and peace, the walking tracks through various plantations and around the lake, as well as the picnic and play space area are attractive features. The birds are another attraction.

CDNews: There seems to be a lot of work being done in the park, where does the support come from?

RG: The Council supplies an annual maintenance grant and the committee can apply for community grants for extra projects. The committee does a great deal of manual and planning work to develop the park, with only a small number of volunteers.

CDNews: It appears to be all based around the commitment of volunteers, how many volunteers do you have?

RG: We have 10-12 volunteers on the books, but only three to ten at working bees.

CDNews: Do you need more?

RG: Yes we do.

CDNews: How does someone apply to help out?

RG: Go to Latrobe City Council web site and apply using the online form. This will then go to Council and the committee for approval. You will need a Working with Children Check.

CDNews: What sort of tasks would be required of volunteers to maintain the park?

RG: Garden expertise, knowledge of native and other plant species.

We need people who can write grants, do administrative work, and manual labour on working bee days. We need people with qualifications for chainsaw use and machinery e.g excavator, bobcat, tractor, front end loader.

CDNews: Thank you Reg and keep up the great work the Committee is doing.