Churchill and District News Highlights

June 2024

Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund - 45th Birthday Event

Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund is celebrating 45 years of operation and recently held a special event to acknowledge the milestone. President Andy Tegart said “We actually turned 45 in December last year but due to a high level of activity with fire, flood and storm emergencies we had to put our celebration plans on hold. read more ...

Mathison Park - June 2024

Our working bee was a small affair with only three volunteers available. Despite that, several large piles of weeds were made from the banksia garden along the long boardwalk. read more ...

Country Fire Authority - Churchill Brigade - June 2024

Community engagement is an important role undertaken by the Churchill Fire Brigade. This involves a range of activities, including participating in community events, and fire education programs to help communities to be prepared for and safe from fire read more ...

Friends of Morwell National Park - June 2024

The group met in the Kerry Road picnic area and was joined by several walkers from the Ben Cruachan Walking Club. Ken welcomed the group, and then we caught up with happenings over the last month. Work on the bird book continues and it should be ready for the launch in November. read more ...

Field Naturalists Club - June 2024

The presenter at the next meeting of the Latrobe Valley Field Naturalists Club is Pam Whiteley. Pam, from Melbourne University, is the coordinator of Wildlife Health Victoria: Surveillance read more ...

Looking Back - June 2024 - Morwell’s chemists

in 1879, Mr John Barnes advertised his extensive range of Morwell and Traralgon properties for sale in August 1891. In Tarwin Street, Lot 9 was for sale - a chemist’s shop occupied by Mr William Sharp at £40 per year. read more ...

May 2024

ANZAC Day - 2024 - Churchill

Churchill 2024 - The forecast was for clearing rain, and early in the day there were showers and then drizzle patches, but sunshine patches gave hope and that was enough to set up outside and proceed. read more ...

ANZAC Day 2024 - Morwell

A very large crowd gathered at the Town Common to form up to march to the cenotaph, led by members of the Hunter family on their waler horses read more ...

ANZAC Day 2024 - Yinnar

On this day above all days, we recall those who served in all wars in the defence of our nation and did not return home to receive the grateful thanks of their nation. read more ...

Plants in my Garden - May 2024 - Petrophile squamata

I always worry about WA plants in my garden, as Boolarra conditions of heavy soils and cold and wet climate are very different from their homelands. This one seems to be coping ok at the moment read more ...

Conference of the Birds (2024)

Douglas and Mackay (D&M) will develop and present a rural pilgrimage artwork exploring land, climate, survival and belonging in collaboration with and connecting First Nations, young people, artists and broader community on Gunaikurnai country read more ...

Fire Training in the Northern Territory

A surprise phone call to Di Billingsley in October last year, suggested she put up her hand for a volunteer training job in the Northern Territory. Much to her amazement, she was chosen read more ...

Looking Back - May 2024 - Roger O’Flaherty

While our forefathers did not bother to acknowledge Roger O’Flaherty by way of a street, footy oval, local hall or whatever, it is important to raise his profile. read more ...

April 2024

Easter in Yinnar

What an experience. Pedestrians busy walking everywhere, not an available parking space in sight, every business open on Saturday afternoon. How good is that for any town? read more ...

Churchill Scouts April 2024

A journey around the world train adventure for Churchill Cub Scouts read more ...

Gaskin Park Upgrades

Latrobe City Council has commenced essential upgrades to Gaskin Park, Initial earthworks at oval two are now complete and drainage and irrigation works are underway. read more ...

Alice Ayres - Artist

Alice Mary Ayres was born in Sale on January 14, 1928 to Maurice and Eileen Coleman of Grandview Homestead Glenmaggie, a pioneering family who settled from Ireland in the early to mid 1800s read more ...

Pipe work in Churchill

Some of our readers may have noticed an unusual smell in the air during late February into March. Sections of our water system have been upgraded read more ...

Looking Back - April 2024 - Morwell

Around 1877, Roger O’Flaherty arrived in what was then a small hamlet, to select land. He figured what was then named Morwell Bridge would not suit his entrepreneurial ambitions read more ...

Shop local market days - 4th May, 24th August, 7th December

Churchill and District News is a community newspaper staffed by volunteers.


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