Hazelwood Cemetery

Articles based around Hazelwood Cemetary

May 2023 - Cyprus Trees (2023-05)

In classical antiquity, the cypress was a symbol of mourning Visit page ...

April 2023 - War Time History in the Cemetery

On Thursday, June 7, 1917, Trooper Francis David Amiet, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Frank Amiet, of "Ayrshire Bank", Boolarra, was killed in action in France Visit page ...

March 2022 - March 2022 -

How people are remembered and not remembered - headstones reveal plenty of the past. That is, if there is a headstone Visit page ...

July 2021 - More Unmarked Graves

In the June edition of Churchill and District News, it was pointed out that approximately 25% of interments in our cemetery, now over 140 years old, are recorded as “unmarked”. It’s understood this figure is a close average for Victorian country cemeteries. Visit page ...