Conference of the Birds

Douglas and Mackay (D&M) will develop and present a rural pilgrimage artwork exploring land, climate, survival and belonging in collaboration with and connecting First Nations, young people, artists and broader community on Gunaikurnai country. At dusk we walk 2kms on country seeing, hearing and feeling encounters with ceremony, light, fire, and art/performance interventions. Generating content in ‘safe space’ workshops and cross-form collaborations we will create an off grid event that benefits community mentally, physically and artistically. We intend that this event becomes a biannual art-walk. The story in brief inspired by the Sufi poem by 12th Century poet Farid ud-Din Attar which tells of a time when all is confusion and fear, and how we must collectively and individually ‘be’ the change. Being without leadership and in a time of chaos - all the world’s birds gather to discuss the crisis they face. Together they decide to go in search of the answer, but to do so must embark on a perilous pilgrimage travel through seven differently themed valleys. When the birds reach their destination they gaze into a mirror-like lake to find it is themselves – the collective – who hold the answers to survival and building a sustainable future. The Valleys are:
- The Valley of the Quest: Funds from Regional Arts Victoria and Mirboo North Community Foundation are supporting the development of the first valley in collaboration with Traditional Owners, Local Youth groups and schools, artists and multicultural community to start envisioning and creating the beginning event where the pilgrimage begins. Gunaikurnai will perform welcoming and smoking ceremonies. A group of ‘Elders’ from wider local community (CALD community, farming community, disabled community, religious communities etc.) will be greeted by Gunaikurnai elders to join them as Protectors and Wise Ones. Gunaikurnai elders will introduce the first Valley of The Quest telling their creation story of Booran (thePelican) and Tuk (the Musk Duck) with puppetry, projections, fire and dance created in collaborative workshops with First Nations community, local youth groups and schools. The other valleys to be interpreted by community (in the future) are:
- Valley of Love
- Valley of Knowledge, Understanding and Contemplation
- Valley of Independence, Pride and Detachment
- Valley of Deprivation, Poverty and Death
- Valley of Wonderment, Astonishment and Bewilderment
- Valley of Harmony and Unity: where it is revealed that everything is connected and in relationship.
Caring for each other and country is everything - harmony, multiplicity, and eternity – this occurs in The Meadows 2.6km along the Boolarra - Mirboo North rail trail. At The Meadows a community celebration will see a lantern procession and the lighting of a central bonfire with performances by local music groups and community choirs. The evening culminates in a mass dance and then a closing ceremony is performed by First Nations before the audience travels back along the path to Boolarra. Food Trucks installed at The Meadows will enable participants to purchase refreshments.
The Art Walk:
This community-based event is inspired by the resilience, artistic talents and community spirit of the people of the South and West Gippsland and celebrates the place we call home. A recent poll by Latrobe City Council asked residents to describe what they 'love about where they live'. The unanimous response: a love of the valley’s unique environment and people - but in particular love of the abundant and varied birdlife that brings song, joy and beauty to everyday life. CB seemed a fitting inspiration for the art-walk. The Sufi text forms the narrative arc of the art walk (stories of diversity, survival and community). Through experiencing a transformational process along the rail trail the audience become participants invited to re-imagine our relational responsibility and inter-connectedness with others, the self, and the environment - an experience of reflection of where we find ourselves in these uncertain times.
Participants - An open and inclusive processional art-event CB will bring together locals from villages and towns in the Latrobe valley and Strzelecki ranges including: Gunaikurnai peoples, multicultural communities, diverse community groups, youth groups, singers, musicians, and visual and performing artists of all ages and abilities. Together, the local community will create the art-walk celebrating the natural environment and the valley’s diversity and artistry. The walk will showcase the many talents of our community and support them as core to our unique arts culture while celebrating our precious environment. This cross-art form performance both tells a story and manifests it - an experience of community building strength and wisdom in each other - cradled by a collective love and commitment to ‘care for country'.