Australia Day

2024 Churchill

January 24 had seen rain come in later in the day and continue through the night. January 25 dawned fine but cool and the Awards ceremony went ahead outside as usual. Visit page ...

2024 Yinnar and District

At Yinnar, an egg and bacon breakfast was once again supplied to a crowd of approximately 150 by the Yinnar and District Lions club. Visit page ...

2023 Boolarra

After the run of hot weather we had been experiencing, it was good to get a cooler day for Australia Day in Boolarra Visit page ...

2023 Churchill

The Churchill Australia Day Community Citizen of the Year award ceremony was held at Churchill Place in Philip Parade. Visit page ...

2023 Boolarra

Another enjoyable and sociable Australia Day for Boolarra. Visit page ...

2023 Yinnar and District

Our usual group of supporters helped us to get underway. Yinnar and District Lions club provided a great breakfast washed down with tea and coffee from the Historical Society Visit page ...


A magnificent bright sunny warm morning welcomed the eager crowd at Australia Day ceremonies around the district Visit page ...