Farewell Abigail
Churchill Neighbourhood Centre (CNC) was sad to see their Manager Abigail Brown leave, as she has moved onto another role elsewhere. We wish her all the best in her endeavours and appreciate all she has implemented and achieved during her time at the Centre and her links to the local community.

Abigail came to the Centre as a Project Coordinator and became Manager when the existing CNC Manager moved on. Abigail focused on supporting the community. Those positive changes for the Centre and the wider community were evident in her achieving funding for:-
- The Community garden being fenced to provide safe access for the pre-schoolers.
- Our Community festivals, markets and other events having age appropriate activities provided.
- A variety of community groups who were provided with lunch and some form of entertainment.
- A musical event which supported our local businesses.
- Those who needed to attend Breast Screen Australia appointments.
- The “Cancer Shave for a Cure Day” by having her own hair shaved off.
Abigail not only supported the community but all those who attended the Centre, whether it was a staff member, tutor, volunteer or participant of one of our many activities or classes. Many appreciated her friendly manner and would leave the Centre with a smile on their face.
We will miss Abigail and her participants as they staged many humorous entertaining pantomimes at the volunteer dinners and end of year parties.