Field Naturalists Club - June 2024

Monitoring Wildlife Health
The presenter at the next meeting of the Latrobe Valley Field Naturalists Club, starting at 7:30 pm on Friday June 28 in the Moe Library, is Pam Whiteley. Pam, from Melbourne University, is the coordinator of Wildlife Health Victoria: Surveillance, which includes community groups, state agencies, scientists at the Melbourne Veterinary School, Wildlife Health Australia etc, in a collaborative network to improve the health of endemic mammal, bird, reptile and amphibian populations in Victoria. Health surveillance can reduce the impacts of disease on wildlife biodiversity.
This will be followed by the Club's monthly meeting.
On the following day, Saturday June 29, there is an excursion to a Jumbuk bushland containing temperate rain forest with a variety of flora, fauna and bird life. Meeting at the Morwell National Park at the Billys Creek car park on Junction Road at 10.00 am.
Visitors are most welcome, both to the meeting and the excursion. For more information contact our secretary, Rose, on 0410 237 292. Please visit our website to register if you wish to use Zoom to join the meeting from home and/or if you would like to come on the excursion.
Photograph: Jumbuck Park_Dam
Credit: J. Duncan