Hazelwood North Community Hall - A community focus on art
By Leo Billington
The Hazelwood North Community Hall received a significant make-over during 2018/2019 and is now benefitting from community – wide use. Managed by a local committee on behalf of Latrobe City Council, the hall is used by a suite of regular user groups including playgroup, a fitness group, rock ‘n roll dancing and an art group.

Over the weekend of May 29, 30, from 11.00 am through to 3.00 pm each day, the Hazelwood Perspective Art Group will conduct an art exhibition to display and promote their works.
According to key contact, Madeleine Chandler, the Hazelwood Perspective Art Group has continued on from the tutorship and mentoring from local art legend, Bill Roberts. “Bill was undoubtedly a strong influence with our art group. We have continued onwards, more so as a social group, but remaining true to Bill’s teaching.We currently have ten members, who will be displaying over 40 exhibits on easels and hanging within the hall. Visitors are most welcome to view our artistry and sales are welcome.”
During Bill’s time with the group, several exhibitions were conducted, the last being about five years ago. As Madeleine explained, the art group’s initial mentorship installed an understanding of the seven elements of design – shape, line, direction, colour, texture, size and value. That early learning provided an essential foundation upon which Hazelwood Perspective Art Group now prides their artistry.
On show will be a mix of pastels, multimedia, prints, oils and acrylics.
The hall is located in Church Road Hazelwood North, opposite the Hazelwood North State School.